
The 14th Annual Teacher 2 Teacher Conference

(Saturday) March 29, 2025
8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
College of Health & Human Services (8844 Craver Rd. Charlotte, NC 28223

Registration is Now Open.

The $40.00 Registration fee includes parking, lunch, and a full-day of professional development!

The Cato College of Education  is pleased to present the annual Teacher 2 Teacher Conference.  The purpose of this conference is to provide affordable yet meaningful professional development opportunities to North Carolina educators. This mini-conference is designed by teachers for teachers. P-12 teachers and administrators are invited to participate as well as present at the conference. 

Participants are eligible to receive 0.65 continuing education units (CEUs) or 6.5 hours of contact towards professional certification.   

2025 Conference Theme: A Meeting of the Minds: Empowering Excellence in Contemporary Education

UNC Charlotte’s Teacher 2 Teacher conference stands as a dynamic convergence of active participants in the field of education. This year’s conference theme “A Meeting of the Minds” will call upon the philosophies and experiences of all attendees to establish shared ownership of a pathway toward solutions. 

At this year’s conference, we are inviting proposals that find innovative, creative ways to encourage joy in teaching and learning. This year we are planning five conference strands:

  • The Magic of Reading: Cultivating a passion for reading in the Information Age (What effective strategies have you used to encourage/support students’ reading interests in today’s classroom?)
  • Stop, Look, and Listen: Innovative approaches to classroom management (As P-12 educators with varying levels of expertise and experience, what practices have you developed to manage your classroom and create an environment conducive to learning?)
  • Building Professional Identity: Reflections from beginning teachers on their initial teaching experiences and increasing resilience in the classroom (As beginning teachers, what are some lessons you’ve learned between years 1-3? How have you grown/been challenged thus far?)
  • Fostering the Future: Effective approaches to mentoring beginning teachers (As new teacher support personnel/mentors, what are the best practices that you’ve applied to aid in the growth and development of beginning teachers?)
  • Extreme Ownership: Constructing a culture of accountability among school stakeholders (As P-12 administrative staff, what tools have you acquired and/or lessons have you learned in the effort of building school buy-in and commitment?)

Introducing our Keynote Speakers: Nancy bullard and shelby lattimore

Nancy Bullard, aka Mrs. B, teaches elementary school science in Charlotte, NC. She received her degree in elementary education from Wake Forest University and her master’s degree in education from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

During her teaching career she has won the Teacher of the Year; CATO Award for Excellence in Science Teaching; Piedmont Natural Gas STEM Superstar Award, and was a finalist for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching.

She launched Mrs. B TV to creatively engage her students after Covid-19 closed schools in March 2020. TikTok named her one of the “100 Most Prolific Female Creators” in March 2021. Her viral science experiments now reach millions around the world.

Shelby Lattimore, a third-grade teacher in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School system and advocate for student financial literacy, is a graduate of UNC Charlotte with a degree in elementary education and special education. While Shelby didn’t plan on beginning a career in the classroom, she did so having been encouraged by one of her high school teachers who thought she had a natural aptitude for education. 

Since then, Ms. Lattimore’s work has been featured in news media outlets including NBC, USA Today, and the “Tamron Hall Show”. She has gone viral on social media, with one of her TikTok videos receiving nearly 20 million views, and was recently honored as The Charlotte Post Foundation’s 2024 Educator of the Year.

Ms. Lattimore’s lessons in earning and managing money have made her students much more disciplined, motivated to learn, and captivated by the wonders of strong teaching.

If you have any questions about the conference, please reach out to Dr. Jordan Z. Boyd at jboyd44@charlotte.edu.

Conference schedule

Registration/Breakfast : (7:30AM – 8:15AM) Mebane Hall 010 (Cato College of Education)

Introduction/Opening Keynote by Nancy Bullard: (8:15AM-9:00AM) Mebane Hall 010 (Cato College of Education)

Breakout Session 1: (9:10 AM – 10:00 AM) College of Health & Human Services

CHHS 145Hilary Dack
Daniel Maxwell
Paige Lane
Navigating Uncharted Waters: Using GenAI to Differentiate and Individualize Your Reading InstructionThe Magic of Reading: Cultivating a passion for reading in the Information Age
CHHS 147Simene WaldenDeveloping The Heart of a TeacherWho Am I?: Cultivating self-efficacy in the classroom
CHHS 153Kiersten Abel Total Participation TechniquesStop, Look, and Listen: Innovative approaches to classroom management
CHHS 159Paige Laurain
Megan Romer
Surviving To ThrivingIt Gets Easier: Effective approaches to supporting beginning teachers
CHHS 161Jonathan Brooks Positive Interactions with Resilient Students In PovertyExtreme Ownership: Fostering a culture of accountability among school stakeholders

Breakout Session 2: (10:10 AM – 11:00 AM) College of Health & Human Services

CHHS 145Lindsay Schultz
Yamile Uceda
Rooted in Joy: Growing Resilience and Empowering Voices in the Early Years of TeachingWho Am I?: Cultivating self-efficacy in the classroom
CHHS 147Melissa McCallReading Aloud with a Purpose: Integrating Phonological Awareness Skills into StorytimeThe Magic of Reading: Cultivating a passion for reading in the Information Age
CHHS 153Wayne MuhammedGo S.L.O.W.: Three Quick and Easy Instructional Strategies to Improve Student Engagement and Classroom ManagementStop, Look, and Listen: Innovative approaches to classroom management
CHHS 159Tisha Greene
Sherice Wilkes
Danyeal Morrison
Building Strong Mentorship: Effective Practices, Identity Exploration, and Communication Strategies for Teacher GrowthIt Gets Easier: Effective approaches to supporting beginning teachers
CHHS 161Christopher FairbankLead the Charge: Creating a Culture of Accountability and Ownership in SchoolsExtreme Ownership: Fostering a culture of accountability among school stakeholders

Breakout Session 3: (11:10 AM – 12:00 PM) College of Health & Human Services

CHHS 145Jordan RiersonYes, They Can Write: Using Self-Regulated Strategy Development in Writing Instruction for All StudentsWho Am I?: Cultivating self-efficacy in the classroom
CHHS 147Sydney BassardFostering Emergent Literacy Skills Through Daily RoutinesThe Magic of Reading: Cultivating a passion for reading in the Information Age
CHHS 153Michelle BellFostering Belonging: Cultivating and Empowering ClassroomsStop, Look, and Listen: Innovative approaches to classroom management
CHHS 159Dennis Parker-Morgan
Lisa Godwin
Lyndsay Paquette
Fostering the Future: Effective Approaches to Mentoring Beginning TeachersIt Gets Easier: Effective approaches to supporting beginning teachers
CHHS 161Ashley Wilson“Differences of habit and language are nothing”: Equity in Urban Literacy Education through Student-Led Mentorship ProgramsExtreme Ownership: Fostering a culture of accountability among school stakeholders

Lunch : (12:10PM – 1:00PM) College of Health & Human Services *Served in Atrium*

Breakout Session 4: (1:10 PM – 2:00 PM) College of Health & Human Services

CHHS 145Brittany Whitley
Ashley Radford
Jessica Rosenbaum
Enhancing Learning Through Small Group Instruction: A Hands-on WorkshopThe Magic of Reading: Cultivating a passion for reading in the Information Age
CHHS 147Thornton HowardGoing FOURword: Using Positive Four-letters to Strengthen the Teacher-Student ConnectionStop, Look, and Listen: Innovative approaches to classroom management
CHHS 153Chloe McVettaBuilding Professional Identity & Increasing Resilience in the Classroom: Reflections from Beginning TeachersIt Gets Easier: Effective approaches to supporting beginning teachers
CHHS 159Bill KesslerHow to Be a High-Performing Teacher Wherever You TeachExtreme Ownership: Fostering a culture of accountability among school stakeholders
CHHS 161Karen Kopitsky
Erica Neal
Hilary Dack
Three Approaches to Tackling the Challenge of Reading Engagement and MotivationThe Magic of Reading: Cultivating a passion for reading in the Information Age

Breakout Session 5: (2:10 PM – 3:00 PM) College of Health & Human Services

CHHS 145Alesa FalconeStart with Syntax: Using Sentence-Level Instruction to Improve Vocabulary, Comprehension, and WritingThe Magic of Reading: Cultivating a passion for reading in the Information Age
CHHS 147Courtnie Edwards
Mark DeLeon
“Motivation Matters: The Power of Rewards in Building Better Behavior”Stop, Look, and Listen: Innovative approaches to classroom management
CHHS 153Emily TindalA Work in Progress: How to Create Your “Teacher Identity” as a Beginning TeacherIt Gets Easier: Effective approaches to supporting beginning teachers
CHHS 159Angela Hill
Vonda Martin-Jenkins
Who Tells Your Story?Extreme Ownership: Fostering a culture of accountability among school stakeholders
CHHS 161Kailey S. Galloway
Tara W. Galloway
Understanding and applying the Science of Reading for effective early literacy instruction, Supporting comprehension, Fostering student engagement, Social Emotional LearningThe Magic of Reading: Cultivating a passion for reading in the Information Age

Breakout Session 6: (3:10 PM – 4:00 PM) College of Health & Human Services

CHHS 145Linda RhyneMeet The Reading League North Carolina: Advancing the awareness, understanding, and use of evidence-aligned reading instruction across our stateThe Magic of Reading: Cultivating a passion for reading in the Information Age
CHHS 147Shannon PardueSupporting comprehension School Activating Background Knowledge Before, During, and After ReadingThe Magic of Reading: Cultivating a passion for reading in the Information Age
CHHS 161Shawnee Wakeman
Holly Johnson
Ann Jolly
Carly Forshee
Elisabeth Wilson
EC Panel DiscussionAll Strands Applicable

Closing Remarks/Keynote by Shelby Lattimore: (4:10PM – 4:45PM) Mebane Hall 010 (Cato College of Education)